Sunday, January 3, 2010

The Pending Al Quaeda Trials

The pending Al Quaeda Trials in Manhattan have stirred up a lot of concern and buzz between the Lower Manhattan community and local politicians. The community's greatest concern seems to be safety and quality of life over all else.

Councilwoman Margaret Chin and former Councilman Alan J. Gerson are the only two politicians who vocally have objected, to date, to holding the trials Downtown, only blocks from the WTC site. “It is a mistake and it should be rectified,” says Mr. Gerson, and “It’s clear federal officials were not thinking about you (the community), in terms of the security risk and in terms of the logistics nightmare.” Since money will flow into NYC if the trials are held here, residents should begin compiling lists of conveniences for the communities.

1 comment: said...

The pending Al Quaeda Trials in Manhattan have stirred up a lot of concern and buzz between the Lower Manhattan community and local politicians. The community's greatest concern seems to be safety and quality of life over all else.
Councilwoman Margaret Chin and former Councilman Alan J. Gerson are the only two politicians who vocally have objected, to date, to holding the trials Downtown, only blocks from the WTC site. “It is a mistake and it should be rectified,” says Mr. Gerson, and “It’s clear federal officials were not thinking about you (the community), in terms of the security risk and in terms of the logistics nightmare.” Since money will flow into NYC if the trials are held here, residents should begin compiling lists of conveniences for the communities.
posted by at 1:37 PM on Jan 3, 2010